Welton Good Neighbour Scheme

The Welton Good Neighbour Scheme was started by a small group of villagers in April 2019. We now have around 30 volunteers. We aim to support the community by providing regular opportunities for people to socialise and meet others and by providing services to anyone who needs an occasional helping hand.

Services and Support  Telephone 07938 237 070, or email weltongoodneighbours@btinternet.com. The phone line is open from 9am to 12noon each weekday. Messages can be left at all other times and these will be checked each weekday morning. This support is on offer to the residents of Welton. Occasional exceptions may be made at the discretion of the committee, e.g. where there are strong links with Welton. Examples of Services and Support offered:

  • Collection of prescriptions/library books/shopping
  • Advice on how to get things working or repaired
  • How to access support from other organisations, including the Daventry Foodbank (for which we are a referral agency)
  • Helping with form filling
  • IT buddy
  • Occasional light gardening
  • Occasional household tasks (e.g. changing lightbulbs)
  • Occasional help with pets
  • Transport to local appointments
  • Friendship Visits
  • Please ring if your need is not listed: we may still be able to help!

Tuesday Cafes and Pub Lunches  The cafes are held in the Village Hall at 2pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The pub lunches are held at the White Horse at 12pm on the 3rd Tuesday of the month – details are published on the website calendar. We would love to see new faces at either of these events, whether you have lived in the village for some time or have recently moved in. Don’t worry about being new, we are very friendly!

New to Welton?  Welton Good Neighbours have put together a helpful guide to the village for newcomers (as well as existing residents). For a hard copy please ring Good Neighbours on 07938 237070.  If you see someone moving into an empty house, please let us know and we will pop round with a personal invitation.

Volunteering  Please do get in touch if you wish to become involved as a volunteer. We still need a few more people to volunteer as drivers to help people get to medical and dental appointments. If you are able to help please email or ring us using the contact details above.

Donations can be made as follows:

  • Cheque and cash made out to Welton Good Neighbour Scheme,  delivered to WGNS Treasurer, 5 Ashby Road, Welton, Daventry NN11 2JS 


  • Bank transfer to HSBC Account name Welton Good Neighbour Scheme:

                   Sort code               40-19-07
                   Account                  61523589

Welton Good Neighbour Scheme has received funding from Daventry District Council and Northamptonshire Action for Communities in Rural England (ACRE). It is one of a number of Good Neighbour Schemes running in the UK.

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